Tower of God (Anime)

Tower of god poster Tower of God based on SIU's popular webtoon, is an anime series that first premiered in Spring 2020. The second season is set to release in July 2024, with the story continuing through the "Return of the Prince" and "Workshop Battle" arcs. The new season will include new music by Kevin Penkin, and the theme songs will be performed by K-pop group Stray Kids. The anime remains faithful to the original webtoon, following Bam's quest to ascend the mysterious Tower to find Rachel, encountering new friends and formidable enemies along the way

Get Ready for Tower of God Season 2, Episode 7: Mazino Magic!

Hey, fellow anime fans! Jack Pham here, and we're gearing up for the highly anticipated Episode 7 of Tower of God. Join me as I break down the release date, where to catch it, and what to expect, incl...