Gokurakugai (Manga)

Gokurakugai poster Gokurakugai, a manga by Yuto Sano, follows Alma and Tao, two troubleshooters in a chaotic district who battle "Maga," human-eating creatures resurrected from corpses. Alma, a half-Maga, uses his powers to fight these monsters while repaying a debt to Tao. Serialized in "Jump Square" since 2022, the manga has gained popularity for its unique supernatural themes and action-packed storytelling, reaching 800,000 copies in circulation by 2024​. With new chapters releasing monthly, it continues to draw in fans, ranking 20th in the "Manga We Want to See Animated" poll at Anime Japan 2024. Read it on Viz Media or Manga Plus​

Gokurakugai Chapter 21: Release Date, Time, and Spoilers – Ready for More Chaos?

Hey there, fellow manga lovers! If you’re as hooked on *Gokurakugai* as I am, you’re definitely buzzing for Chapter 21. Get the lowdown on the release date, where to read it, and the juicy spoilers th...