Dandadan (Manga)

Dandadan poster Dandadan, a supernatural action-romance manga by Yukinobu Tatsu, follows high schoolers Momo Ayase and Ken "Okarun" Takakura, whose conflicting beliefs about ghosts and aliens lead them into a world where both exist. The manga, known for its quirky style, detailed art, and engaging story, has quickly become a fan favorite since its debut in 2021. An anime adaptation by Science Saru is set to premiere in October 2024, streaming on Netflix, Crunchyroll, and Hulu, with weekly episodes. Directed by Fuga Yamashiro and featuring vibrant animation, the series promises to capture the manga’s unique charm

Dandadan Chapter 167: Release Date, Reading Guide, and Spoiler Speculations!

Hey folks! Jack Pham here, and I'm super excited to dive into the details of Dandadan Chapter 167! I’ve got all the scoop on the release date, where to read it legally, and some fun theories about wha...