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Why Do I Choose Not To Give Up?

Why Do I Choose Not To Give Up?

Dear friends, in this blog, I want to tell you why I decided to keep moving in the way that I have chosen and how I practice myself to get stronger in my mind. Let’s check all about it below this blog.

'You should fight for your dreams.' I often use my life as an example to strengthen their minds and beliefs. As a long-time sufferer of depression, I have had my share of hopeless days. But after years of practicing these techniques and focusing on love (instead of fear), making connections with others and myself, I've finally found the emotional strength to live again.

Dear friends, in this blog, I want to tell you why I decided to keep moving in the way that I have chosen and how I practice myself to get stronger in my mind. Let’s check all about it below this blog.

My Story

I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression when I was 18. I've been in and out of treatment for the past 2 years, but I'm currently doing well. I'm on medication that helps me a lot, and I've also started going to therapy again.

I choose not to give up because I know that there's more to life than what I'm currently experiencing. I want to be happy and healthy, and I know that's possible for me. Even though it's sometimes hard, I refuse to give up on myself or my happiness. 

I'm so glad that I haven't given up, because my life has gotten so much better. I'm happier and healthier than I ever thought possible, and I know it's all because I chose not to give up on myself. 
If you're struggling with anxiety or depression, I encourage you to keep fighting. It's so worth it, I promise.

Why Do I Choose Not To Give Up?

There are two main reasons I choose not to give up:

1) I strongly believe that if I want something badly enough, I should fight for it and never give up. This belief comes from my personal experiences in life – whenever I’ve wanted something and gone after it with all my heart and soul, I’ve eventually achieved it. So, giving up is simply not an option for me – if there’s something I want, I’m going to go after it until I get it.

2) Giving up would also mean admitting defeat, and I’m just not the type of person who likes to do that. To me, admitting defeat would be like saying that everything I’ve done up until this point was for nothing. And that’s just not true – even if I don’t achieve my ultimate goal, the process of trying is still valuable in its way.

So those are the two main reasons why I choose not to give up. Even when things seem hopeless or insurmountable, I always try to remember these two points and keep fighting.

How Do I Train My Mind To Become Stronger And Fearless?

When I was younger, I thought that mind training was something that only the mentally strong could do. I soon realized that it wasn't true when I started to see the benefits of mind training for myself.

Mind training is simple: it's a process of teaching your mind to become stronger and more resilient. This can be done through various methods, such as meditation, mindfulness, and positive self-talk.

The benefits of mind training are many and varied. For me, the most notable benefit has been an increased ability to cope with stress and anxiety. Mind training has also helped me to become more aware of my thoughts and emotions, which has made me more able to control them.

Overcoming fears and becoming mentally strong is a process that takes time, effort, and practice. Just like physical strength, mental strength requires training.

Step-By-Step Which I Did To Practice My Mind

1. Identify my fears

1. Identify my fears

The first step is to identify the things that make me afraid or anxious. Once I know what my triggers are, I can begin to address them head-on.

2. Challenge my beliefs

2. Challenge my beliefs

Once I know what my fears are, it's important to challenge the underlying assumptions that contribute to them. For example, if I’m afraid of public speaking, ask myself why I believe speaking in front of a group is so difficult. Is it as bad as I think? Or am I just overestimating the difficulty?

3. Practice facing my fears

3. Practice facing my fears

After identifying and challenging my fear-inducing beliefs, it's time to put those beliefs to the test. Begin by exposing myself to small doses of whatever it is I’m afraid of – whether it's public speaking, heights, or spiders. Slowly but surely, build up my tolerance and confidence until I’m no longer afraid.

4. Be mindful of my thoughts

4. Be mindful of my thoughts

Negative thinking can fuel anxiety and fear. Pay attention to the thoughts running through my head, and learn to recognize when they're self-defeating or irrational. When negative thoughts enter my mind, counter them with positive affirmations or reality-based statements. For example, 'I'm not going to fail' or 'I can handle  this.'

5. Focus on the present moment

5. Focus on the present moment

One of the best ways to overcome fear is to focus on the here and now. When I’m in the midst of a fear-inducing situation, bring my attention to my breath and the sensations in my body. This will help you stay calm and grounded.

6. Develop a support network

6. Develop a support network

Advice from friends and family can be helpful, but it's also important to seek professional help if I’m struggling to overcome my fears. A therapist can provide additional support and guidance as I work to become mentally strong. 

7. Take care of myself

7. Take care of myself

Mental strength requires physical strength. Make sure to prioritize exercise, healthy eating, and good sleep habits. When my body is strong, my mind will follow suit.


I choose not to give up because I know that doing so would mean missing out on all the good things life has to offer. There will always be challenges and setbacks, but giving up is not an option for me. I am resilient and have faith that things will eventually work out in my favor. So, I continue to move forward despite the obstacles in my way, knowing that ultimately, I will reach my goals.

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Editor: Denni

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