Sabo's Voice Actor Change: What You Need to Know!

Sabo's Voice Actor Change: What You Need to Know!

Wait, what? They changed Sabo's voice actor again? Join me as we dive into the surprising news about Miyu Irino stepping in for Toru Furuya in One Piece. We'll chat about what this means for our beloved character, how fans are reacting, and why change can sometimes be a good thing. Buckle up for a fun ride through the fiery world of anime!

"Wait, what? They changed Sabo's voice actor?! Again?!" If you're anything like me, that was probably your first reaction when the news hit about Sabo’s new voice actor in One Piece. And yeah, I get it. Anytime there's a big change like this, especially with such a beloved character, it feels like someone’s just gone and rearranged the furniture in your brain without asking. But, deep breaths, folks! Let’s break this down and talk about why this change is happening, who the new guy is, and what this means for Sabo as the One Piece anime races towards its endgame.

The Big Switch: From Toru Furuya to Miyu Irino

So, first off, why the change? Well, Toru Furuya, who had been voicing Sabo since his character's big reintroduction in the Dressrosa arc, has stepped down. If you’ve been living under a rock or just avoiding drama (which, honestly, I wouldn’t blame you for), Furuya left the role amidst a rather messy scandal. The details are out there if you want to look them up, but in short, it involved some personal misconduct that led to his resignation. For a series as massive as One Piece, with characters that mean so much to so many people, this was a tough pill to swallow. The last thing fans want is to have their beloved characters tainted by real-world issues.

Enter Miyu Irino. If you’re a fan of anime, you’ve probably heard this guy’s voice before. He’s not some random newbie off the street—they’ve got a seasoned actor stepping in. Irino has played big roles like Haku in Spirited Away and Sugawara in Haikyu!!. But here’s the thing: while he’s undeniably talented, this isn’t just any role. This is Sabo, one of the most emotionally complex and important characters in One Piece—especially now as the series barrels towards its final arcs.

Toru Furuya’s Sabo: A Look Back

Before we dive into what Miyu Irino might bring to the table, let’s take a moment to appreciate what Toru Furuya brought to the character. Furuya’s portrayal of Sabo was... well, it had weight. If you think about it, Sabo isn’t just some side character. He’s Luffy’s sworn brother. Ace’s spiritual successor. And he’s got this whole revolutionary thing going on as the Flame Emperor (which, let’s be real, is one of the coolest epithets in the series).

Toru Furuya - Sabo voice actor

Toru Furuya

Furuya’s voice gave Sabo a mature, grounded presence. He had that deep, confident tone that made you believe, "Yeah, this guy could totally be the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army." His Sabo had an air of authority but also a warmth that made his bond with Luffy and Ace feel genuine. Whether he was calmly strategizing with the Revolutionary Army or throwing down with the power of the Mera Mera no Mi, Furuya’s voice carried the weight of someone who’s seen some serious stuff go down.

But now, with Furuya stepping down, we’re entering a new era for Sabo. And honestly? Change can be scary, but it can also be exciting.

Enter Miyu Irino: The Fresh Take

Let’s talk about Miyu Irino. First off, this dude is no stranger to emotional, high-stakes roles. His performance as Haku in Spirited Away still gives me chills. He’s got this incredible ability to convey vulnerability while still sounding strong—something that I think could inject a new layer into Sabo’s character.

Miyu Irino - sabo voice actor

Miyu Irino

One of the biggest complaints I saw floating around when Irino was first announced as the new Sabo was this: "He sounds too young!" And yeah, I get it. After years of hearing Furuya’s deep, seasoned voice, having someone younger step in feels... odd. But hear me out! Sabo is young. He’s 22 after the timeskip. I know, I know, this is anime where 17-year-olds have six-pack abs and the wisdom of a thousand-year-old sage, but still! A younger voice might actually make sense, especially considering Sabo’s character arc.

Sabo is someone who, despite his high rank in the Revolutionary Army, is still driven by emotions and a sense of brotherhood. He’s not this cold, detached leader. Remember how he broke down in tears when he remembered Ace? That’s the Sabo we know—a guy who’s carrying a lot of emotional baggage. Miyu Irino might bring a fresh vulnerability to the character. I can totally see him nailing those emotional moments, and honestly, I’m pretty hyped to hear how he handles Sabo’s inevitable big scenes in the final arcs.

The Final Arcs: Why Sabo's Voice Matters More Than Ever

Let’s not beat around the bush—One Piece is in its final stretch (at least, according to Oda-sensei). And if you’ve been keeping up with the manga, you know that Sabo is playing a bigger role than ever. He’s not just chilling in the background, throwing fire punches for fun. The dude’s actions are shaping the world of One Piece in some pretty significant ways. I won’t spoil anything for anime-only viewers, but let’s just say Sabo’s got some serious plot bombs coming his way.

One Piece characters

One Piece characters

With that in mind, Sabo’s voice actor change isn’t just a minor thing. This is a character whose emotional beats are going to hit hard in the upcoming episodes. We’re talking about potential clashes with the World Government, unresolved feelings about Ace, and his role in Luffy’s journey. Sabo’s voice needs to carry the weight of someone who’s grappling with all that while still standing tall as a leader.

Miyu Irino’s more youthful voice might actually make these moments feel even more impactful. Imagine Sabo, a young man thrust into a position of incredible responsibility, still trying to honor his fallen brother while forging his own path. That’s a lot, right? Irino’s voice could bring a rawness to Sabo’s internal struggles that Furuya’s more mature tone might not have been able to capture.

Fans’ Reactions: The Good, the Bad, and the “Wait and See”

Okay, let’s address the elephant in the room: fan reactions. Whenever there’s a big voice actor change, the fanbase inevitably splits into camps. Some are excited, some are cautious, and some are just straight-up mad. And with One Piece being, well, One Piece—a series with one of the most passionate fanbases out there—you can bet that opinions are flying left and right.

From what I’ve seen, the initial reactions were definitely mixed. Some fans were totally on board with Irino, especially those who’ve loved his work in other series. Others were worried that Sabo’s voice would lose that deep, commanding presence that Toru Furuya brought. And honestly, both sides have valid points.

But here’s the thing: we need to give Irino a chance to grow into the role. Remember when Tanjiro’s voice actor in Demon Slayer first started? Some fans thought he sounded too whiny or too young. But as the series progressed, those same fans were weeping during Tanjiro’s big emotional moments because the voice actor nailed it. Voice acting is a craft, and oftentimes, it’s about how the actor evolves with the character.

And let’s not forget—Irino has voiced Sabo before! He was Sabo’s voice in the One Piece movie 3D2Y, so he’s not totally new to the character. That familiarity could help him transition smoothly into the main series.

Can Sabo Get Even Better?

Now, here’s a fun question to consider: could Miyu Irino actually make Sabo better? I know, that’s a bold statement. But hear me out! Sometimes, a change in voice actor can breathe new life into a character. Think of it like a band getting a new lead singer. Sure, it’s different, but that doesn’t mean it’s worse.

Sabo character art

Sabo character art

Sabo’s character is still developing. He’s not a static, one-note guy. As the story progresses, we’re going to see him face more challenges, both external and internal. He’s got to navigate his role in the Revolutionary Army, deal with the fallout from the events in Dressrosa, and continue to process his grief over Ace. There’s a lot of emotional ground to cover, and a new voice actor could bring new dimensions to those moments.

Miyu Irino, with his experience in portraying vulnerable, emotionally complex characters, might bring a fresh nuance to Sabo that we haven’t seen before. And given how One Piece is all about growth—both for the characters and the fans—I’m totally open to seeing how Irino’s Sabo evolves over time.

What This Means for the Future of Sabo

Ultimately, the change in Sabo’s voice actor is a big deal, but it’s not the end of the world. Yes, it’s going to take some getting used to, especially for long-time fans who’ve grown attached to Furuya’s portrayal. But let’s not forget: One Piece is a story about change, growth, and perseverance. Luffy’s dream of becoming Pirate King has been filled with ups and downs, and Sabo’s journey is no different.

As Sabo continues to play a major role in the final arcs of One Piece, Miyu Irino’s voice will accompany him through some serious narrative highs and lows. Whether it’s in epic battles, tear-jerking moments, or quiet conversations with Luffy, Sabo’s character is in good hands. And who knows? By the time we reach the end of this incredible journey, we might just look back and say, “Yeah, Irino totally nailed it.”

Final Thoughts: Let’s Give Irino a Chance

Change is always hard, especially when it comes to something as personal as the voice of a character you’ve grown to love. But I’m cautiously optimistic about Miyu Irino taking over as Sabo. He’s proven himself as a talented voice actor in the past, and I think he’s got what it takes to do justice to the character.

So, before we start grabbing our pitchforks or diving into endless Reddit debates, let’s give the guy a chance. After all, One Piece has always been about adventure, brotherhood, and pushing forward no matter what obstacles come your way. And honestly, I can’t wait to see (or rather, hear) where Sabo’s journey takes us next.

What about you? Are you excited about the change? Skeptical? Let’s chat in the comments!


One Piece (Manga)

Summary of One Piece (Manga)

One Piece, created by Eiichiro Oda, is an epic adventure manga that follows Monkey D. Luffy and his crew, the Straw Hat Pirates, in their quest to find the legendary treasure known as "One Piece" and become the Pirate King. The series, ongoing in Weekly Shonen Jump, is currently in its final arc, with intense character developments and battles. Key events include the rise of Blackbeard, Garp's mission to rescue Koby, and the unfolding Egghead arc. The franchise has also expanded into live-action adaptations, collaborations, and merchandise, maintaining its status as a cultural phenomenon.

For more insights, visit One Piece (Manga).

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Editor: Jack Pham

Top of the mornin'! I'm Jack Pham—a tech-obsessed, game-loving, anime-watching lad! If it blinks, beeps, or has pixels, I'm all over it. Let's geek out and make every day an epic adventure!

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