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rating_score_to_stars function in PHP

rating_score_to_stars function in PHP

I'm going to share with you a PHP function which can help you convert you rating score to HTML stars using Bootstrap Icon class. It allows developers to easily convert a numerical rating score into a set of stars using Bootstrap Icons.

Hi guys, I'm Jack Pham. In this article, I'm going to share with you a PHP function which can help you convert you rating score to HTML stars using Bootstrap Icon class.


In many websites and applications, it is common to have a rating system where users can give feedback on the quality of a product, service, or content. The feedback is usually given in the form of a numerical score or rating, such as 4 out of 5 stars.

To display this feedback in a more visually appealing way, it is often converted into a star rating system. This is where the "rating_score_to_stars" function comes in handy. It allows developers to easily convert a numerical rating score into a set of stars using Bootstrap Icons.

By using this function, developers can save time and effort on creating their own custom star rating system, and can ensure that the star rating display is consistent with the rest of the website or application's design.


Firstly, you will need to have Bootstrap Icons installed in your project. If you haven't done so already, you can download the Bootstrap Icons package from the official Bootstrap website.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap-icons@1.10.3/font/bootstrap-icons.css">

Once you have the Bootstrap Icons package, you can include the necessary CSS and JS files in your project. This will allow you to use the Bootstrap Icons classes and functions, which are required for the "rating_score_to_stars" function to work properly.

After you have included the necessary files, you can then include the "rating_score_to_stars" function in your PHP code. This can be done by either copying the function code directly into your PHP file, or by including it as a separate PHP file.

function rating_score_to_stars($score) {
  $output = '';
  $full_stars = floor($score);
  $half_stars = ceil($score - $full_stars);

  for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) {
    if ($i <= $full_stars) {
      $output .= '<i class="bi bi-star-fill"></i>';
    } else if ($half_stars > 0) {
      $output .= '<i class="bi bi-star-half"></i>';
    } else {
      $output .= '<i class="bi bi-star"></i>';

  return $output;

Once the function is included in your project, you can then use it to convert a numerical rating score into a set of stars using the Bootstrap Icons classes.


After you have included the necessary files, you can then include the "rating_score_to_stars" function in your PHP code. This can be done by either copying the function code directly into your PHP file, or by including it as a separate PHP file.

Once the function is included in your project, you can then use it to convert a numerical rating score into a set of stars using the Bootstrap Icons classes.

Below are some examples:

$score = 1.5;
echo "1.5: " . rating_score_to_stars($score) . "<br/>";

$score = 3;
echo "3: " . rating_score_to_stars($score) . "<br/>";
$score = 4.5;
echo "4.5: " . rating_score_to_stars($score) . "<br/>";

$score = 5;
echo "5: " . rating_score_to_stars($score) . "<br/>";

The above scripts can generate this outcome:



This function need $score (integer) as the only parameter.


I hope this article and the function can help your work. You can tell me if the function works in your code or not by leaving a comment.

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