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The right way to get started in coding: A blog post for beginners.

The right way to get started in coding: A blog post for beginners.

Getting into programming can be a steep learning curve for many. You might know the basics of coding but don't know where to start from or what to work on next? In this article, you will find out how to get started in coding with maximum efficiency!

Getting into programming can be a steep learning curve for many. You might know the basics of coding but don't know where to start from or what to work on next? In this article, you will find out how to get started in coding with maximum efficiency!

Hi guys, I'm Jack Pham. If you want a tutorial on how to master coding quickly, I'm afraid that this blog post is not for you. The article is written for those who want to start a coding journey in long-term and the steps below will guy how to start your journey in a right way.

Step 1. Why learn to code?

Why learn to code?

First of all, do not jump into coding lesson or try to digest a coding theory. The first thing you need a reason, a purpose which tell you why you need to learn coding. Purpose is essential when you start to learn something, especially coding. It will give you a source of energy to keep going. One day, when you want to give up, think about the purpose that have chosen. 'Without a purpose, you will soon give up soon after couple of days or weeks', I'm pretty sure!

There are many reasons why you might want to learn how to code. Maybe you have an interest in computer science and want to build your own websites or apps. Or maybe you want to become a software engineer or another type of tech professional to earning for your life. Any purpose can be acceptable but you need to have one, at least.

If you're not sure where to start, there are plenty of resources available online that you can refer. There are many people with high coding skills and thick experience sharing their things in their personal blogs, youtube channels, spotify channels, facebook pages...

Like I said, you need to have a purpose before you move foward to the next step.

Step 2. Set your first goal

Set your first goal

It's important to set your coding goals early on. This will help you stay motivated and on track as you learn to code.

Your first goal should be something achievable, yet challenging. For example, if you're just starting out, your first goal could be to create a basic website or web app. Once you've accomplished that, you can set a more ambitious goal, such as building a complex web app or creating a mobile app.

Whatever your goal is, make sure it's something you're excited about. Coding can be tough at times, but if you're working towards something you're passionate about, it'll be worth it in the end.

Step 3. What programming languages should you start out with?

What programming languages should you start out with?

After setting your goal, let's find out what programming languages must be learned to complete your goal.

For examples, if your goal is to build your website, then HTML, CSS, Javascript are needed for the front-end of the website, PHP / Python / ASP.net / or Node JS is needed for the back-end of the website.

Or if your goal is to create an Android app, then you need to learn Java and Android SDK. If your goal is to create an iOS app, then you need to learn Objective-C or Swift. If your goal is to create a desktop application, then you need to learn C++, C#, or Java.

Every goal should go with a pack of programming languages. Once we defined those languages, we can move on to the next step. 

Step 4. Choose your learning method.

After defining what programming languages should be learned,  you must choose the most suitable learning method. There are many ways to learn programming languages. Just choose one that you think is more convenient, effective and less time-consuming.

Here are 3 popular methods of how to learn programming languages:

1. Video courses.

Video courses

Video courses always be my best choice when I want to learn a new programming languages. With videos, you can learn visually any time you want. Some courses are free with are published on youtube, websites... Some courses required you to pay a certain cost to access. 

2. Coding class.

Coding class

This is the most common way to learn programming languages. You will be instructed by a professional teacher in coding class and do some practical exercises to get familiar with the new programming languages.

The disadvantage of attending a coding class is the cost. The cost of coding classes is always higher than other methods.

3. Books.

coding books

Books are also a great way to learn new programming languages, especially for beginners. With books, you can learn at your own pace and go back to review anytime you want.

However, the problem is books are easily outdated because technology is always evolved and you have stay updated.

Step 5. Save your references.

Save your references

References or documentation is essential for those who learn a programming language. It's like a dictionary for you to learn a human-speaking language. To save and organize references as many as you want, bookmarking is a good way to do.

Every programming language introduced to the world comes with a reference (documentation). 
For example, coder can access www.w3schools.com or developer.mozilla.org to lookup things related to the language. Or those who learn PHP can browse php.net for information.

There are some references which are built by community should be noted such as stackoverflow.com or reddit.com. Although the information is not always accurated but they will give you a hint when you have problem in coding.

Step 6. Start your first lesson.

Start your first lesson

After everything is ready, now it's time to start your first coding lesson. 

The first time you touch coding can make you feel that it is out of your comfort zone. This is natural! Just like learning a new sport, you start from the basics, and then gradually improve your skills. The same goes to coding: you start with the simple and then move on to the more difficult. 

If you attend a class, don't be afraid to ask your teacher if you don't understand something. If you are learning online, search the internet for more resource and explanations. 

Remember that you should not rush into your lessons like a tiger and run out like a cat. Once you start your first lesson, you start your never ending journey. Keep your breath normal and focus on what you are learning.

Step 7. Use what you learn to achieve your goal.

Use what you learn to achieve your goal

After every lessons, use what you've learned to progress your goal. This step can be called as self-practice. I know there are exercieses given from every lesson but they are not enough to make you better in coding.

Whether you want to build, a website, a mobile app, or develop a software program... you don't have to make it perfect. Just make it complete and functionable, no matter how long in take (weeks, months, quater or years)...

And this will be your first product of coding.

Step 8. Review your goal and move foward

Review your goal and move foward

After your goal is achieved (your website/app/software is completed), you need to review it. You can compare your product with similar ones to see what are the defects, what should be improved... Then, look for new things to improve it and repeat the above steps.


If you're thinking about getting started in coding, then this blog post is for you. As you can see, the steps above are not easy and quick to be done, but they will help you start your coding journey in a right way. My journey began in 2015, and I think, by following these steps, you'll be on your way to becoming a coding expert in no time!

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Editor: Nia

Hi, I'm Nia, an enthusiastic devotee of Japanese anime, manga & game. I cherish the artistry, emotional depth, and fantastical journeys they offer. Join me in exploring these captivating realms where dreams and reality intertwine!

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