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Steps To Becoming A Better Front-End Developer

Steps To Becoming A Better Front-End Developer

From coding to design, there is much more to being a front-end developer than many people realize. If you're just starting out in the industry or are looking for ways to grow and improve your skills, then this article should be helpful. 

From coding to design, there is much more to being a front-end developer than many people realize. If you're just starting out in the industry or are looking for ways to grow and improve your skills, then this article should be helpful. 

Becoming a better front-end developer can be tricky. There are many steps to take, and the steps that are necessary depend on your skill level. In this article, we go over all the steps necessary for becoming a better front-end developer, in order of importance.

Step 1: Experience more softwares, apps or websites

Experience more softwares, apps or websites

As a front-end developer, your mission is to create beautiful layouts with user-friendly ui/ux for any software products. However, how do you build good UI/UX if you haven't use or experience products with good UI/UX It's like how to cook well if you haven't eat delicious foods?

Therefore, the first step that you should do is not making changes in anything but experiencing more. If you want to bring better user experience to your clients, then you should experience more than your clients to who what is good or not.

Step 2: Improve Your Skills

Improve Your Skills

Skills are essential for a front-end coder to be high-performance in work. Here are some skills that you should improve everyday:

1. Coding speed

Coding speed is crucial. If your speed is too slow, you will never get a chance to join bigger projects. If you want to improve your coding speed, then you have to code more, of course. However there are some tips that can boost up your speed such as taking advantage of code editor plugins, using hotkey instead of clicking on menu... 

2. Code quality

As your coding speed is increasing, the quality should be improved too. Code quality is important if you want to be a good front-end coder. Your code must be clean and readable, so that it is easy to maintain in the future. In other words, your code should be maintainable, reusable and testable.

3. Problem solving skills

You will face problems every day when coding. Therefore you have to master some problem solving skills: analyzing problems and finding root causes of bugs, googling for answers (especially stack overflow), brainstorming ideas with team members...

Step 3: Stay being updated with new trends

Stay being updated with new trends

As a front-end developer, it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in web or app development. This means keeping up with new frameworks, libraries, and technologies as they are released.

For example, website developers must keep up with responsive, SEO, and security trends. While app developers need to be aware of new developments in cross-platform development, mobile UX, and AR/VR.

One way to stay on top of the latest trends is to follow industry leaders and influencers. You can also read blogs and articles from reputable sources, such as Smashing Magazine or A List Apart.

Another great way to stay updated is by attending conferences and meetups. These events are a great opportunity to network with other developers and learn about the latest trends in web development.

Step 4: Get Feedback Regularly

Get Feedback Regularly

If you want to become a better front-end developer, it's important to get feedback regularly. This will help you understand what you're doing well and what areas you need to improve in.

One way to get feedback is to ask for it from your peers. If you have a friend or colleague who is also a front-end developer, see if they're willing to give you some feedback on your work. Another option is to join an online community of front-end developers, where you can receive feedback from people all over the world.

Finally, don't forget to ask for feedback from your clients or users. They're the ones who are ultimately using your work, so their input is invaluable. If you can get regular feedback from them, it'll go a long way in helping you become a better front-end developer.

Step 5: Take Advantage of Resources Available

Take Advantage of Resources Available

If you want to become a better front-end developer, there are a few key resources that you should take advantage of. Firstly, there is a wealth of information available online, including blog posts, articles, and tutorials. Secondly, there are many helpful tools and libraries that can ease your development process. And lastly, don't forget to network with other developers - they can offer valuable insights and feedback.

So make use of all the resources at your disposal and you'll be well on your way to becoming a top-notch front-end developer in no time! 

Step 6: Get to know more about design principles

Get to know more about design principles

Design principles are the guidelines that designers use to create their work. They are the foundation upon which great design is built. By understanding these principles, front-end developers can demonstrate designer's ideas properly.

Knowing design principles also helps front-end developers can collaborate  more effectively with designers. Sometimes, front-end developers can earn more money by handling design jobs in a project in which a designer is missing.

Step 7: Practice and challenge yourself in a bigger project

Practice and challenge yourself in a bigger project

Practice, practice, practice! This is the most important step when it comes to becoming a better front-end developer. By practicing and honing your skills, you will be able to learn new techniques and become more efficient in your work.

There are a few ways that you can practice your front-end development skills. One way is to find online challenges and tutorials to work through. These will help you learn new coding techniques and problem-solving strategies. Another way to practice is to work on personal projects. This could be building a website for yourself or a friend, or working on an open source project. By working on real-world projects, you’ll gain valuable experience that will help you in your career.

Whatever method you choose to practice, make sure that you’re doing it regularly. The more you practice, the better you’ll become at front-end development.


If you want to become a better front-end developer, there's no magic formula. However, by following the seven steps outlined in this article, you'll be well on your way to becoming a top-notch front-end developer. So get started today and see where your new skills take you!

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Editor: Denni

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