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Common Misconceptions About Coding and Coders That You Might Have

Common Misconceptions About Coding and Coders That You Might Have

In this article, we'll take a look at some common misconceptions about coding and programming that people have. Consider these myths busted!

In this article, we'll take a look at some common misconceptions about coding and programming that people have. Consider these myths busted!

Hi guys, I'm Jack Pham. Coding is not a new concept in the twenty-century world. However, there are some misconceptions about coding. Let's see them all in this blog post.

The nature of coding

Before check out the misconceptions, let's take a look at the nature of coding.

Coding is a process of transforming computer instructions into a form a machine can understand, in order to create a program which performs a specific task or set of tasks. It is not complicated, but it can be difficult to learn if you don’t have the right foundation. People often think that coding is just about writing code, but it’s much more than that.

What are the most common misconceptions about coding and coder?

Below is the most common misconceptions that people often have when thinking about coding or a coder:

1. Coding is only for male, especially those who are good at math.

Coding is only for male, especially those who are good at math

One common misconception is that is only for male, especially those who are good at math. This is simply not true! Anyone can learn to code, regardless of their educational background, ages, gender. Of course, being good at math can help a person perform better in coding. However, there are many males and females who had bad score in math became senior developers in many big project.

2. Coding is only for computer science field.

Coding is only for computer science field

This is also not true! Coding can be used in a variety of fields. For example, many coders work in the finance industry to develop softwares, games, business managing systems, websites, algorithms for search engines, stock trading, mobile apps which you use everyday...

3. Coding is a solitary activity

Coding is a solitary activity

I think you might be wrong if you think a coder as loner! While coding can be done alone, most coders work on teams with other coders. In fact, many coding projects require collaboration in order to be successful.

4. There is only one 'right' way to code

There is only one 'right' way to code

This is not true! While there are best practices that should be followed, there is no one 'right' way to code. Different coders may have different ways of doing things, and what works for one coder may not work for another. It's important to be open-minded and experiment with different approaches to see what works best for you.

5. Coding is boring

Coding is boring

Nah, I think it's not boring at all! While coding can be challenging and require problem solving skills, it can also be boring at times. This is especially true when working on large projects with hundreds or thousands of lines of code.

6. A coder's work is only writing code

A coder's work is only writing code

Not all coders only writing code. While coders do spend a lot of time writing code, they also spend time on other activity such as managing team, managing server/network, building architecture, designing database, debugging code and testing code to make sure it works properly.

7. Coders are introvert and socially awkward

Coders are introvert and socially awkward

You might be wrong! While some coders may be introverted, many coders are actually very outgoing and social. In fact, many coders enjoy working in team and collaborating with others.

8. All coders have very high earning or salary

All coders have very high earning or salary

Don't see coders as millionaires! While many coders do have high earning or salary, there are also many coders who are paid very little. It all depends on the company you work for, your position, and your experience.

9. Coders always work in dark, quiet rooms

Coders always work in dark, quiet rooms

We are not such vampires! While some coders may prefer to work in dark, quiet rooms, many coders actually enjoy working in more lively environments. In fact, many coders work in open offices with other coders.

10. Coders are all geniuses

Coders are all geniuses

No, sometimes we do stupid things! While many coders are very intelligent, there are also many coders who are not geniuses. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to become a good coder, and not everyone has what it takes.

11. Coders are hackers

Coders are hackers

This is a common misconception! While some coders may be hackers, many coders are not. Hackers are people who gain unauthorized access to computer systems for malicious purposes. Coders, on the other hand, write code to create software and applications.


There are a lot of misconceptions about coding and coders out there. We hope that this article has helped to clear some of them up for you. If you're interested in learning more about coding, we encourage you to check out our resources and give it a try.

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Editor: Nia

Hi, I'm Nia, an enthusiastic devotee of Japanese anime, manga & game. I cherish the artistry, emotional depth, and fantastical journeys they offer. Join me in exploring these captivating realms where dreams and reality intertwine!

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