Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter 14 - Release Date, Spoilers & What to Expect!

Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter 14 - Release Date, Spoilers & What to Expect!

Hey there, Boruto fans! Ready for the juicy details on Chapter 14? We’ve got the release date, where to read it, and some wild spoilers to chew on. Buckle up as we dive into Boruto's latest adventures, from legal troubles to family drama, and let’s see what kind of epic twists await us!

Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter 14 Release Date & Time, Where to Read, Spoilers

Ah, Boruto. Man, this series just keeps pulling me back in. If you're anything like me—constantly refreshing your manga app to see if the latest chapter has dropped yet—then you’re probably itching for more details about Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter 14. Let me tell you, you're in for a wild ride with this one.

In this post, we’re going to go over everything we know about the upcoming release: the date, time, where to read it, and some juicy spoilers. And yes, I’ll throw in some of my personal opinions because, why not? I mean, we’re all here because we care about Boruto, right?

Alright, buckle up, ninja pals. Let’s dive into it.

Release Date & Time: When Can We Expect Chapter 14?

Let’s get straight to the point. The official release date for Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter 14 is September 20, 2024. Yep, mark that date down on your calendar, set an alarm, whatever it takes. But of course, time zones are a thing, so here’s a breakdown of when exactly you can catch the new chapter depending on where you are:

  • Pacific Time (PT): 7:00 AM (September 20, 2024)
  • Eastern Time (ET): 11:00 AM (September 20, 2024)
  • British Time (BT): 4:00 PM (September 20, 2024)
  • Central European Time (CET): 5:00 PM (September 20, 2024)
  • Indian Standard Time (IST): 8:30 PM (September 20, 2024)
  • Philippine Time (PHT): 11:00 PM (September 20, 2024)

So, for those of you in the US, you can wake up and read it with your morning coffee. For us folks in Europe, it’s the perfect after-work, post-dinner treat. And for my fellow night owls in Asia, well, it’s a great excuse to stay up late.

Where to Read Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter 14?

Now, I know the temptation to go hunting for leaks or fan translations is strong, but honestly, let's support the official releases. Not only is the quality way better, but it also helps keep the industry alive, you know?

You can read Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter 14 on Shueisha’s Manga Plus and Viz Media. Both of these platforms offer the chapters for free on the day of release, which is a pretty sweet deal if you ask me. Plus, they have legit translations so you don’t have to deal with awkward, half-baked English that makes you cringe (we’ve all been there).

Spoilers and Plot Points: What to Expect?

Alright, now we get to the juicy bits. If you’re not one for spoilers, you might want to skip ahead. But let’s be real—if you’re here, you probably want to know what the heck is going on in Chapter 14.

Boruto and Mitsuki get arrested

Boruto and Mitsuki get arrested

At the end of Chapter 13, Boruto gets arrested. Yep, that’s right. Our boy is in some serious hot water. But let’s be honest, this isn’t the first time a Naruto family member has been at odds with the law in Konoha. (Remember when Sasuke went rogue? Ah, good times.)

In Chapter 14, Boruto is going to be interrogated, and it’s not looking great for him. Now, the big question is: will Boruto spill the beans about Kashin Koji’s future-sight ability, or will he try to keep that under wraps? My money’s on him keeping his mouth shut—for now, at least.

But let’s not forget, Eida and her Omnipotence ability are still in play. There’s a real possibility that memories will start getting muddled again, which could mess with the villagers' perception of Boruto. Will Konoha see him as a hero or a villain? I’m dying to find out!

2. Eida’s Omnipotence: The Game-Changer

Eida’s Omnipotence in Boruto

Eida’s Omnipotence in Boruto: Two Blue Vortex 

Speaking of Eida, her ability to manipulate memories is terrifying, but it’s also one of the most fascinating aspects of this arc. Imagine being able to rewrite how people remember you—that’s some god-tier hack right there. In Chapter 14, we’re likely going to see how Boruto’s arrest impacts her powers.

Does Eida’s control over people’s memories start to weaken with Boruto’s return? Or does it get stronger? And what does that mean for the other characters, especially Himawari? I’ve got a weird feeling that Himawari is going to be a key player in unraveling this whole Omnipotence mess.

3. Himawari’s Growth: A Future Jinchuriki?

Himawari’s Growth in Boruto Two Blue Vortex

Himawari’s Growth in Boruto Two Blue Vortex

Now here’s something that’s been teased for a while—Himawari stepping into the spotlight. We’ve already seen hints that she’s not just Boruto’s cute, little sister anymore. In fact, there’s speculation that she might even become the next Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails (Kurama). Yep, you read that right.

If the spoilers are anything to go by, Himawari might have some sort of emotional breakthrough in Chapter 14. There’s talk of her realizing some deep connection with Boruto, possibly through her interactions with Eida and Kawaki. Could this be the moment where she starts to tap into some real power? I can only hope so because, let’s be real—she deserves way more screen time and development.

4. The Fifth Shinju: Who Could It Be?

Now, let’s talk about the big mystery—who the heck is the Fifth Shinju? There are fan theories flying around like crazy, and honestly, I’m here for it. Some people think it might be Guy or Kakashi (which, let’s be real, would be mind-blowing). Others are betting on Shinki or even a resurrected Naruto.

Personally, I’m leaning towards Kakashi. I mean, the guy’s been laying low for a while now, and it would be epic to see him come back into the fold, especially with all these crazy god-level threats popping up. But whoever it is, Chapter 14 will likely drop more hints, if not reveal the identity outright.

Kashin Koji’s Possible Return: The Wild Card

Ah, Kashin Koji. This guy is such a wild card. After being MIA for a while, there are strong hints that he might make a dramatic return in Chapter 14. Remember, this is the guy who was cloned from Jiraiya and has some insane abilities, including future sight. If you’re telling me he’s not going to play a huge role in Boruto’s rescue or the larger fight against the Shinju, I’m calling BS.

There’s been some speculation that Koji might even confront Orochimaru in this chapter. Can you imagine? Koji going toe-to-toe with the snake himself? That would be a fight for the ages. But more importantly, Koji’s return could mean big things for Boruto’s future—literally. With his future-sight abilities, Koji could be the key to preventing some of the darker paths that Boruto could go down.

Fan Theories: What Are People Saying?

Let’s just take a moment to appreciate how crazy the Boruto fanbase can get with their theories. I’ve been lurking on Reddit and Twitter (don’t judge me), and some theories have me scratching my head while others have me nodding in agreement.

1. Boruto Might Sacrifice Himself

There’s a growing theory that Boruto might pull a classic Naruto move and sacrifice himself to save everyone. I know, I know—it sounds extreme. But hear me out. With all the talk about Boruto’s potential death at the hands of Jura and the Shinju, it’s not too far-fetched to think that Boruto might ultimately decide to lay down his life to stop the chaos. I mean, it’s in his blood. Naruto did it. Minato did it. Why wouldn’t Boruto follow in those footsteps?

2. Kawaki’s Redemption Arc

Kawaki has been on a dark path for a while now, especially with his obsession over protecting Naruto at all costs (even if that means going against Boruto). But some fans think that Chapter 14 might start laying the groundwork for his redemption. Maybe Kawaki will finally realize that he doesn’t have to fight Boruto—that they can team up to save the village instead. I’d love to see these two brothers reconcile, but knowing Boruto, it’s probably not going to be that easy.

What I’m Personally Hoping For

Alright, time for some real talk. Here’s what I personally want to see happen in Chapter 14:

1. More Himawari Development

I can’t stress this enough—Himawari needs more development. She’s been sidelined for way too long, and with all the hints that she’s going to play a bigger role, I’m dying to see what she’s truly capable of. If she becomes the new Jinchuriki or taps into some crazy power, I’ll be one happy camper.

2. Kashin Koji vs. Orochimaru

I’m all about the epic showdowns, and a Koji vs. Orochimaru fight would be the stuff of legend. Both these characters have deep ties to the original Naruto series, and seeing them clash would be a nostalgic, yet thrilling, experience. Plus, it would be a great way to bring Koji back into the spotlight.

3. A Huge Plot Twist

Look, I love a good plot twist. If Boruto has taught me anything, it’s to expect the unexpected. Maybe the Fifth Shinju is someone we never even considered. Or maybe Boruto gets a power-up that changes everything. Whatever it is, I’m ready for my jaw to hit the floor.

Final Thoughts

So there you have it, folks. Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter 14 is shaping up to be an absolute banger, and I can’t wait to see what happens next. Whether it’s Boruto’s arrest, Eida’s Omnipotence, or Himawari stepping up, there’s just so much to look forward to. And of course, the fan theories and potential plot twists keep me on the edge of my seat.

Remember, the chapter drops on September 20, 2024, so make sure you’re ready. And hey, if you’ve got any theories or thoughts about what’s going to happen, feel free to drop them in the comments. I’d love to hear what you guys think!

Until then, stay ninja, my friends.

Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Boruto: Two Blue Vortex is the sequel to the original "Boruto" manga, continuing the story after a time skip. The plot reveals Boruto's return to Konoha following his arrest, with new challenges arising, including the introduction of a new antagonist, the Shinju. Recent chapters have shown Boruto's mysterious encounters during the time skip, his interactions with Kashin Koji, and revelations about the fate of key characters like Naruto and Kawaki. The manga also features the return of familiar characters like Sakura, who appears for the first time in Chapter 14. The next chapter is set for release on September 20, 2024​
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Editor: Jack Pham

Top of the mornin'! I'm Jack Pham—a tech-obsessed, game-loving, anime-watching lad! If it blinks, beeps, or has pixels, I'm all over it. Let's geek out and make every day an epic adventure!

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